Teaching and Learning

The Sixth Form Partnership offers a wide range of Level 2 and Level 3 courses on and off-site. Our collaboration with local training providers, higher education establishments, and local employers ensures that our learning pathways are tailored to meet diverse student needs and learning styles.

Comprehensive Course Offerings and Partnerships

  • Diverse Course Levels: Choose from Level 2 and Level 3 courses to match your educational goals.

  • Local Partnerships: Benefit from our strong ties with local training providers, higher education institutions, and employers, providing you with tailored learning pathways.

Balancing Academic and Social Life

We understand the importance of balancing academic and social life. At The Sixth Form Partnership, you’ll learn to manage your time effectively, allowing you more free time for yourself. Our unique approach includes teaching you the four most effective ‘prep-learning’ strategies to acquire basic knowledge before lessons. This pre-learning boosts your confidence, enabling you to engage actively in class and focus on higher-order thinking skills with your teacher’s expertise.

Carrying out prep-learning gives you the confidence to answer questions and expand your knowledge further in the lesson.
— Alexander, Year 13 student
Prep-learning allows you to get stuck into the lesson from the start with the knowledge you’ve gained yourself, giving you more time to apply it in different contexts and to focus on exam preparation
— Laura, Year 13 student

Standardised Learning Portfolios

Our standardised learning portfolios for all courses help you:

  • Visualise the Bigger Picture: Understand the course overview and lesson-by-lesson objectives

  • Organise Effectively: Align your notes and assessments with specific course objectives

  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your learning by expressing your confidence levels related to the objectives

  • Develop Individual Learning Plans: Focus on your strengths, address learning challenges, and outline actionable steps

  • Prepare for Success: Equip yourself for assessments through exams and coursework

Leading the Way in Teaching and Learning

Outstanding learning, facilitated by our dedicated teachers and developed by you, is the cornerstone of our success. Join a Sixth Form that is pioneering in teaching and learning excellence.