Student Support

You will be given opportunities to;

  • Be role models to the lower school with time allocated to give back to our school community.

  • Become leaders within our school council, prefect system and house system.

  • Be supported through strong pastoral support, small mentor groups and robust monitoring systems.

  • Take part in enrichment such as Sport Leadership, Extended Project, National Citizen Scheme and others.

  • Build supportive relationships between other adults and students.

  • Develop the whole person through an engaging and inspiring program of enrichment activities.

“Teachers know you really well and support you to achieve your very best. One of the best things about sixth form is the relationships you develop with your teachers”

— James, Year 13 student

Wellbeing and pastoral support

Being in the Sixth Form is a new phase in every student’s life and will feel different from anything that has been experienced at school so far. Relationships with teachers will change, as students are expected and encouraged to take more responsibility for their own learning.

The whole Sixth Form team, your tutors and your teachers work closely with each individual to help them to develop both academically and as a person, to make sure they achieve your very best, and encourage them to take up a wide range of opportunities to prepare for the future.

Our aim is to support each individual through this important stage of education and prepare them for the demands of higher education and employment, give them opportunities to experience new activities and challenges and encourage them to think independently and make informed decisions about their future.

Each student has access to a personal tutor, our pastoral support officer and Directors of Sixth Form to provide support for wellbeing and pastoral concerns.

Students can also be referred for specialist counselling if they are struggling and are supported through this process by our team.

Life Skills

We aim to ensure that students are given opportunities to develop themselves as global citizens of the 21st century.

Through a suitable and appropriate Life Skills curriculum, students will undertake a programme that covers a range of relevant issues including; British Values, supporting and developing student resilience, providing opportunities for students to understand their own mental health and preparing them for the next steps through a careers unit, external applications and UCAS.

These sessions are planned to cover the following across Yr 12 and 13;

  • Six-week induction programme- setting students up to be well-prepared Post 16 students.

  • A core tutor programme that includes units on Resilience, Initiative, Organisation, Communication, Leadership, Endurance and Wellbeing.

  • E-safety.

  • Power to perform- exam preparation.

  • Delivery of study skills/critical thinking through university providers.

  • Work skills- Careers unit, collation of exam results and certificates, writing CVs, applying for jobs, writing Personal Statements, Interview techniques.

  • The World Around Us/British Values/Current Affairs/Political parties /Government · UCAS preparation

  • Finance Part 1- A guide to accounts, credit and debit cards, loans, mortgages, and budgeting

  • Finance Part 2- Getting to grips with Student Finance forms, bursaries, Apprenticeship Wages

MLT Tutor Programme

The MLT Tutor Programme has been designed to support students’ academic studies to prepare them for their next destination; apprenticeship, university or employment.

What do the Post 16 team want for you? ​​

  1. To be thoughtful and content in the choices you make​​

  2. To take advantage of exceptional learning and experiential opportunities​​

  3. To set goals which lead to successful and fulfilling lives ​​

We build upon this through character education, which is regarded highly important within our curriculum. We wish for our students to have a set of positive personal traits, dispositions and virtues that inform motivation and guide conduct so that students reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity, and cooperate consistently well with others. This gives students the qualities they need to flourish in our society.’

Year 12

Successful & Fulfilling Lives – 60-minute session, focusing on personal development goals​

Monitor – Specific targets communicated to students, using LC to progress​

Learn – 80-minute session, following lesson cycle​

Test – Coursework/Exam/Scenario-based work provided to students, mark schemes for self/peer assessment. ​

Personal Development – Attitude to learning/IiL, health and well-being discussions with a tutor. Extra-curricular, leadership, promotion of additional sources/opportunities

Year 13

Successful & Fulfilling Lives – 30-minute session, focusing on PD goals, completed by sixth form team, delivered by form tutor. ​

Monitor – Specific targets communicated to students, using LC to progress, completed by the subject teacher, monitored by form tutor and QA by subject lead/SLT. 

Learn – 30-minute session, following lesson cycle, completed by the subject teacher. ​

Test – Coursework/Exam/Scenario-based work provided to students, mark schemes for self/peer assessment. Completed by the subject teacher, monitored by the form tutor and QA by the subject lead. ​

Personal Development – Attitude to learning/IiL, health and well-being discussions with a tutor. Extra-curricular, leadership, promotion of additional sources/opportunities, completed by post 16 team/tutor and subject teacher.